Another year comes to an end..so many memories , good ones, bad ones..people whizzing in and out of life..relationships built n broken..well..the list goes on. I never got time to tell few people what they meant to me..so while I turn another year wiser(maybe :P)..here's the last post of the year dedicated to those who are part of what I am...
Someone has rightly said..you realize a person's worth when he/she is not around you...moving down to Bangalore a year back was perhaps the toughest decision in life..I had assumed that I would be able to live alone out here..little was I aware that I had got so used to the Noida folks that I did not realize the change would hit me so hard..Now I know what I left behind..but am glad that they are still with me..maybe not physically..but that ain't necessary..coz some relationships never require a physical presence..So to the entire gang..Bro',Medha,Sid,Khanduu,Amar,Chinni,Priyank...cheers! And specially to you Kunal...for whatever little time that you were part of our lives.. u have left an indelible print..
Bro', we have had our own share of quarrels and cold wars..days without talking..but I knew you were there always.
Medha..well no words..thanks for just being what you are, for enduring me and my nonsensical ways..for the scooty rides,the chai n' aaloo parathas, the mehendi sessions, the on going lectures about why and how I should lose weight...can actually write a full book on you..and will name it 'The Girl Who Knew How To Bang Her Head On The Wall'( a.k.a. -- me)
Sid..as I say, the incorrigible idiot..nerd..geek..I lose count of the adjectives that I can use for him..He is the biggest torture in terms of logic and never ever made sense to me and I know its the same vice versa as well..but then..we learnt to..what can I say..adapt(:P).He was the one who went ahead and got me a purple bag..even though he completely detested the colour..tried to give a patient hearing to my logics..(which never seemed logical to him), parked his bike on a lower level so that a tiny person like me could easily climb up. The guy with a fetish for our clutchers and clips,unconditional love for Federer and Nadal, and the one who could cook the best arhar ki daal in the gang..He hasn't changed a bit and I bet he'll never.. :)
Khanduu..our lover boy..falling hopelessly in and out of love..the dancer, the dude, the innocent fool.Amar..umm..the one who is more sane when he is drunk. Priyank Cheenu..the dreamy couple with the perfect filmy type love story..am lucky to have you people in my lives..
Bangalore was a surprise for me..new people, new environment..but then there were 3 people who made me feel at home..Madhu,Shweta,n' Matthy..thanks for being there..it sounds filmy I know..but I would actually be lost without you..I know that I have never told you what you guys mean to me..am too bad at that..but no probs..coz you will understand..
Friendship is perhaps the greatest gift that we have in our lives..my friends are my strengths and they are my weaknesses as well..In today's world it is difficult to find a person who is ready to walk along with you, be the one to make you laugh or catch a tear..say straight on your face what a jerk you have been and at the same time surprise you with little nothings.
1 comment:
Short and Sweet Intro to everyone. Now I am feeling like even I know these guys as well. You are quite a GEM and hence in return getting what you deserve. So always keep SmILInG and I know once a person knows you, he can never forget you throughout his/her entire life.
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