Saturday, January 23, 2010

Emotions..a necessity?

Yes..1:45 in the morn..and such a post.!I should be happily sleeping under the covers by now, and yet it comes.
Is it always absolutely essential to bring out what you feel..I accept that sometimes you need to show what you feel, that always the case?
Does a mother have to show how much she loves her kid..or a husband to his wife..
If I were the kid, then I would say yes..yes i would wait for mom to take me in her arms and sing to me..If I were the wife..yes I would wait to hear him say that I was his life..
The three magic words as they say..what is the importance..There obviously has to be some greatness in just 3 words..coz they are enough to last for a lifetime.
Often in our lives we get so used to the people around us that we start taking them for granted..and this makes us assume that they need not be told about what we feel for them. What we don't realize is that relationships fall apart in a world of assumptions..As the saying goes-'silence speaks a thousand words' and its difficult to track them when they become a volley of shots..
Personally, I have never been good at expressing myself..and in 25 years I hardly ever mustered the courage to say what I feel to anybody .. for that matter..I have let silence do the talking and many a time landed up in isolation..Now, its like a wish to go back into time..alas a wish..!
Love & friendship are perhaps one of the simplest yet the most complicated emotions in our lives..With time we learn to utter words like crazy, slangs are as if part of our daily diction..We might not think twice before cursing out loud..but talk about expressing true love and we run short of words..
So ppl..for all those who are close to me( and there we are in the assumptive world!), I know I have never said and perhaps will never be able to..yes u mean a lot..At various stages, you have been there, varied relationships-
  • As my mom when I walked my first step, stumbling , wobbly..
  • Dad, when a frightened kid of 5 stepped into a huge green n' white building that was supposed to be her institution for the next 12 years.
  • A teacher, when that huge stage and audience scared the shit out of me..
  • Siblings ( and that includes the entire gang :) ) when I wanted to be the boss.
  • Frnz..guys ..u rock! each one of u wherever u are..
  • And for all those who are yet to come into my life..

Thanks just for being there..