Someone once commented on me..that I wasn't an open book...Come to think of it...Y shud I be one..Why shud I pour my heart out to any and every one who comes into my life...I never ever wanted to have a crowd of frnz all buzzing around me..Hell..I don't consider myself as perfect nor do I want become someone who is 'not reachable' kinds..just that I am quite happy with those few frnz..no matter how less the number is.. There might come a day when I have no one left..u may ask..what wud I do..wud I repent..that I hadn't chosen a bunch more of dem..not really..coz I wud still be there for myself..just d way I still am..Its really strange how one can befriend oneself..It actually pulls u thro' those times when u have no one way around u.. I don't know how many of u believe dat u can spend so much time wid just urself..without getting bored..People think u might me a nerd...an introvert..but at the end of d day..its just u and u..So..dats hw I am..my Best Friend. I came across his quote from Confucious..really don't know whether I should agree or disagree..
"I do not want a friend..who smiles when I smile..who weeps when I weep
For my shadow in the pool..can do better than that".
Sometimes in life..you make this entire group of frnz..who r just ..a group..and den u r left lookingfor that face in the crowd..that one face that wud make u smile..I don't wanna b in such a situation ever..n' dats y..my frnz r few..just like those few selected books that u keep on ur rack...the books u can read over n' over again..n' never get bored..or dat one book that lies by ur bedside each night before u put off the lights and go into ur dreams..